Judge John Roberts is perceived as a strict constitutional conservative and is being held up as an example of George W. Bush also being conservative. The Bush Scorecard blogs put the lie to that claim, and this one exposes Roberts as a typical Bushite phony. To praise or blast blogmaster, email

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Thursday, November 03, 2005


We've already seen that Alito is no champion of the pro-life cause, now we see he has championed sodomite "rights".

Whew! Good thing we don't have John Kerry nominating all these pro-abortion, pro-sodomite justices like Sam Alito, John Roberts, and Harriet Miers (for more information on their staunch, immoral, liberal qualifications see

Alito Backed 'Gay' Rights

Alito Backed Special Rights for Sodomites

PRINCETON, N.J. -- As a senior at Princeton University, Samuel A. Alito Jr. chaired an undergraduate task force that recommended the decriminalization of sodomy, accused the CIA and the FBI of invading the privacy of citizens, and said discrimination against gays in hiring "should be forbidden." The report, issued in 1971 by Alito and 16 other Princeton students, stemmed from a class assignment to study the "boundaries of privacy in American society" and to recommend ways to protect individual rights. The far-ranging report, which satisfied a requirement for public policy students and which was stored in the university's Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, provided a glimpse of a more liberal Alito than the jurist is now perceived. "From the fact that someone thinks legislators ought to forbid discrimination," he said, "it does not follow that the person would necessarily think that the Supreme Court of the United States ought to hold that the Constitution forbids discrimination against gays."

College Report by Alito Supported 'Gay' Rights

WASHINGTON -- As a college senior at Princeton University, Samuel A. Alito Jr. wrote a report that recommended the repeal of laws that made sex between gays a crime and urged new anti-discrimination laws for gays in the workplace. The report's one paragraph of recommendations on "Laws concerning Homosexuality" is likely to draw the most attention, now that Alito has been nominated to the Supreme Court. "The Conference voted to recommend that the current sodomy law be changed," he wrote. "The Conference believes that no private sexual act between consenting adults should be forbidden. Of course, acts of a coercive nature, acts involving minors and acts which offend public decency should still be banned. Discrimination against homosexuals in hiring should be forbidden."

TG: Are brothers and sisters "consenting adults"? How about fathers and daughters?


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