Judge John Roberts is perceived as a strict constitutional conservative and is being held up as an example of George W. Bush also being conservative. The Bush Scorecard blogs put the lie to that claim, and this one exposes Roberts as a typical Bushite phony. To praise or blast blogmaster, email

Location: Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States

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Thursday, October 27, 2005


The media reports said:

#Miers' surprise withdrawal stunned Washington on a day when the capital was awaiting news on another front — the possible indictment of senior White House aides in the CIA leak case. #

What was the stunning surprise? World Net Daily and Drudge have been reporting that she was going to quit for over a week.

They will blame this on the just-uncovered pro-choice statements Miers made 12 years ago. But as noted, Farah, Drudge, and others predicted (even guaranteed) her withdrawal long before those comments came to light - so they had nothing to do with the actual reason for her pullout. They will however, make a good, timely EXCUSE to blame it on.

"In July of 1993, Miers gave a speech entitled, 'Women and Courage.' She offered glowing praise for Ruth Bader Ginsburg's ascension to the Supreme Court and Janet Reno's appointment as the first female attorney general," Bauer reported. "Not many conservatives were excited by either fact."

"The ongoing debate continues surrounding the attempt to once again criminalize abortions or to once and for all guarantee the freedom of the individual women's right to decide for herself whether she will have an abortion." Miers said.

"Legislating religion or morality we gave up on a long time ago," Miers said.

This whole thing is more orchestrated than professional wrestling. On the *surface*, Miers had far more conservative credentials than Roberts. She had made pro-life statements, she had voted pro-family in issues, she did belong to a conservative church. I had to dig much deeper to get beneath Miers conservative facade than with Roberts. Roberts worked on the landmark Romer pro-queer case. He was wishy-washy on abortion all along. He repudiated God and the Bible at least twice. He was easy to expose as a phony. If either of them might have truly been a conservative deep down inside, it was clearly Miers.

Yet, the conservatives swallowed Roberts hook, line, and sinker. OTOH, it was the conservatives who sunk Miers, despite her more conservative appearing credentials. Why would they fight so hard *against* Miers, but not against Roberts, when Roberts had the most obvious liberal record?

Miers was Bush's Kimba Woods. A sacrificial lamb/goat to pave the way for the nominee they really want passed. Bush will put up an even more obvious liberal, like Gonzales, and the same conservatives who opposed Miers will suddenly go blind and fail to notice his obvious liberal slants.


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