Judge John Roberts is perceived as a strict constitutional conservative and is being held up as an example of George W. Bush also being conservative. The Bush Scorecard blogs put the lie to that claim, and this one exposes Roberts as a typical Bushite phony. To praise or blast blogmaster, email

Location: Oshkosh, Wisconsin, United States

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Thursday, November 03, 2005


We've already seen that Alito is no champion of the pro-life cause, now we see he has championed sodomite "rights".

Whew! Good thing we don't have John Kerry nominating all these pro-abortion, pro-sodomite justices like Sam Alito, John Roberts, and Harriet Miers (for more information on their staunch, immoral, liberal qualifications see

Alito Backed 'Gay' Rights

Alito Backed Special Rights for Sodomites

PRINCETON, N.J. -- As a senior at Princeton University, Samuel A. Alito Jr. chaired an undergraduate task force that recommended the decriminalization of sodomy, accused the CIA and the FBI of invading the privacy of citizens, and said discrimination against gays in hiring "should be forbidden." The report, issued in 1971 by Alito and 16 other Princeton students, stemmed from a class assignment to study the "boundaries of privacy in American society" and to recommend ways to protect individual rights. The far-ranging report, which satisfied a requirement for public policy students and which was stored in the university's Seeley G. Mudd Manuscript Library, provided a glimpse of a more liberal Alito than the jurist is now perceived. "From the fact that someone thinks legislators ought to forbid discrimination," he said, "it does not follow that the person would necessarily think that the Supreme Court of the United States ought to hold that the Constitution forbids discrimination against gays."

College Report by Alito Supported 'Gay' Rights

WASHINGTON -- As a college senior at Princeton University, Samuel A. Alito Jr. wrote a report that recommended the repeal of laws that made sex between gays a crime and urged new anti-discrimination laws for gays in the workplace. The report's one paragraph of recommendations on "Laws concerning Homosexuality" is likely to draw the most attention, now that Alito has been nominated to the Supreme Court. "The Conference voted to recommend that the current sodomy law be changed," he wrote. "The Conference believes that no private sexual act between consenting adults should be forbidden. Of course, acts of a coercive nature, acts involving minors and acts which offend public decency should still be banned. Discrimination against homosexuals in hiring should be forbidden."

TG: Are brothers and sisters "consenting adults"? How about fathers and daughters?


Judge Alito Is Besmirched With the Blood of Babies, He Approved Killing Children By Abortion in Three Federal Cases

The word "abortion" appears in 22 decisions in which Judge Alito participated in his 15 years on the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit, in Philadelphia, according to searches of legal databases. Judge Alito voted in support of the abortion rights side of the argument in three cases. In 1997, he joined a decision applying the Supreme Court's 1973 decision in Roe v. Wade, which established a constitutional right to abortion, to uphold a New Jersey law that let parents sue on behalf of deceased children but not deceased unborn children. In 2000, he joined a decision applying Stenberg v. Carhart - another 2000 decision that struck down a Nebraska law that banned a procedure its critics call partial-birth abortion - to a similar New Jersey law. In 1995, he cast the deciding vote in a 2-to-1 decision striking down parts of a Pennsylvania law that restricted abortion. The law, the Pennsylvania Abortion Control Act, included a provision that required a doctor's certification in cases in which a publicly funded abortion was being performed because the woman's life was said to be in danger.

Alito Supported Abortion In Three Cases


'Sam is not going to overturn Roe'

TG: I could've told you that the minute Bush nominated him (in fact I probably did) - but it's nice to have some confirming voices.

Alito Conformation Process:

WASHINGTON -- Five current or former judges on the Philadelphia-based 3rd U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals interviewed by The Associated Press described Alito as thoughtful, intelligent and fair. They said he has great respect for precedent-setting decisions and none of them offered that he would be likely to vote to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision legalizing abortion. Senior Judge Leonard Garth, a Nixon appointee for whom Alito served as law clerk from 1976-77 before they became colleagues in 1990, said, "Sam is not going to overturn Roe v. Wade," said Garth, a moderate conservative who signed on to a 2000 abortion-rights decision involving a procedure foes call "partial-birth" abortion that Alito criticized as too expansive.

Tuesday, November 01, 2005


Federal Judge Samuel Alito: A Death Regulator

As Federal Appetite Judge, Alito's Record Shows He Supports Killing Babies After 'Husband-Notification'

WASHINGTON -- When Samuel Alito had considered Pennsylvania's spousal notification law, he wrote that it did not put a substantial obstacle in the path of a woman seeking to end a pregnancy. He said it "merely requires a married woman desiring an abortion to certify that she has notified her husband." He said the state Legislature could have reasonably concluded that the law furthered "a husband's interests in the fetus." Alito, taking a narrower view of Supreme Court abortion precedents than his colleagues, also emphasized that the requirement would not have great practical effect because the overwhelming number of abortions in America are sought by unmarried women. When the Supreme Court rejected that view, it said the focus should be on the women who would fall under the husband-notification requirement, not those who would not. The majority stressed that state regulation of abortion has a greater impact on the pregnant woman's liberty than it does on a husband's interests.

USA Today photo caption: {{ Judge Samuel Alito's reputation as a jurist who opposes abortion is built largely on his decision in one case. }}

TG: And that ONE case is a crock, as we are seeing.

{{ Alito — unlike Bush's first two high court nominees, Chief Justice John Roberts and Harriet Miers — also has a record on abortion }}

TG: What? Just yesterday a news source was crowing that Alito had an extensive paper trail like Roberts (and unlike Miers). Now they are saying Roberts didn't have as much of a paper trail. Which will it be tomorrow?

{{ Alito's record on abortion is not uniformly against such rights. In a 2000 decision, he cited Supreme Court precedent in voting against a New Jersey ban on a procedure that critics call "partial-birth" abortion. Alito emphasized that the appeals court was bound by an earlier Supreme Court ruling that struck down Nebraska's ban on the procedure because the law was vaguely written and lacked an exception for when the procedure is necessary to protect a woman's health. }}

TG: Had Alito opposed the NJ PBA ban on the grounds that it might have recognized other forms of abortion as legitimate (like Bush's federal PBA ban did), I could not hold him at fault, but that's not the case. He clearly is in favor of various exceptions where abortion should be allowed - including the HEALTH of the mother. That's much different from an exception for the LIFE of the mother - but most people look right past that. Exceptions for the life of the mother are also unnecessary, but at least those would truly be limited. ANY pregnancy has some health risks, so to appeal to a HEALTH exception is to take a 100% PRO-ABORTION position in principle.

So some might say that Alito is pro-life with exceptions, which would be the same thing as saying he was pro-abortion with exceptions. But with the 'health' exception, in principle he is 100% pro-abortion. Any woman who gets sick (or might get sick) from her pregnancy is eligible to kill her baby, according to Alito's exception.

Pro-aborts screamed for an exception for the LIFE of the mother. That sounded reasonable to conservative Christians so they allowed for it. Then the pro-death crowd slyly substituted the word 'health' for 'life' and has us arguing on their terms and has professed pro-lifers supporting 100% abortion via the health exception.