Judge John Roberts is perceived as a strict constitutional conservative and is being held up as an example of George W. Bush also being conservative. The Bush Scorecard blogs put the lie to that claim, and this one exposes Roberts as a typical Bushite phony. To praise or blast blogmaster, email

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Tuesday, September 13, 2005

ROBERTS to be more like BREYER, says FARAH

Ann Coulter has been the only mainstream conservative Republican sounding the alarm against Judge Roberts (along with true conservative Constitution party stalwarts like Howard Phillips and Michael Peroutka), but World Net Daily's editor Joseph Farah has finally seen the light and joined the "reject Roberts" faction.

I was wrong about Roberts

Posted: September 13, 20051:00 a.m. Eastern © 2005

John Roberts still has most conservatives buffaloed.

They just can't believe George W. Bush would betray them so boldly.

But he has.

Even I, the ultimate skeptic, am just beginning to fathom the extent of the shell game that has been played on conservatives – most of whom are actively working on behalf of the confirmation of a new chief justice of the U.S. Supreme Court who will make Ruth Bader Ginsberg look like a moderate.

That's right.

Up until now, I've been comparing Roberts to Sandra Day O'Connor, Anthony Kennedy and David Souter. I've got news for you. He's worse.


Stephen Breyer. That's who Roberts most resembles, according to his friend.

This is what conservatives got for all their hard work on behalf of George W. Bush – a betrayal. Conservatives were told they had nowhere else to go in the presidential election if they cared about the U.S. Supreme Court.

And what did they get? Not Souter. Not Kennedy. But Breyer.

TG: Yep, we could've gotten that from John Kerry. And, hold on to your hat - the other vacancy will probably be filled by someone even worse.


Blogger JSP said...

What leads you to believe Roberts is a betrayal to the Conservative cause? Have any of the nominations put forward by Bush and his administration over the last 5+ years been otherwise? Why now would Bush change stripes? I would pose it is likely you are being duped into thinking he is moderate just as most of the rest of America. The duping is really not out of character for the Bush administration, pushing forward the face of moderation (i.e. McCain, Guilianni, Schwarzenegger etc.) but embracing the Conservative core when it really matters with with regard to legislation and governance (i.e. DeLay, Santorum, Robertson etc.). If I were you I would not worry so much, 40 years of Roberts and Scalia together should be a boon to the Conservative agenda.

2:03 PM  

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