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Friday, August 05, 2005

Is NOBODY Against Abortion Anymore?


The photo is intentionally gruesome to remind us of how heinous abortion is.

I remember in the 70's and 80's, after abortion became allowed, the popular mantra of the liberals was "I'm personally opposed to abortion, BUT it would be wrong for me to impose those views on someone else."

That was the position of liberals like Ted Kennedy and Geraldine Ferraro. Of course few would actually state they were 'for' abortion. That would have been political suicide.

Only fringe radicals would vote for someone who was openly pro-abortion. But, by taking the "personally opposed, BUT" position, abortion 'rights' advanced like a charging rhino.

Some politicians talked against abortion, but fewer and fewer actually voted against it.

However, most conservatives and Christians recognized that position for the copout it was and swept an outspoken anti-abortionist into the White House in 1980.

Now the mantra has changed a little, but means and accomplishes the same thing. "I'm personally opposed to abortion, BUT I will uphold Roe vs. Wade as the law of the land."

The difference is, instead of hearing that from the lefties, we're hearing it from people like John Ashcroft and Judge John Roberts. These guys are perceived to be conservative stalwarts.

Worse yet, the conservatives and Christians who saw through the facade of Ferraro ond Teddy now are accepting that cowardly excuse as valid and supporting such forked-tongued candidates.

If staunch conservatives will do no more than give lip-service to being anti-abortion, who will take a stand? Apparently nobody.

Many still talk against abortion, but nobody is really against it when it comes voting time.

Citizens vote for these guys who SAY one thing and DO the opposite. The politicians and judges tell us they will be hypocrites ahead of time, and Americans vote for them anyway. Then those hypocrites why SAY they are opposed to abortion routinely DO the opposite and vote for abortion. And the dumb sheep accept it as if they had no choice but to support the continued killing of babies. After all, it is "the settled law of the land", right?

WRONG. Roe vs. Wade is a court decision, not a law. Moreover, no one is beholden to support an immoral law or court rendering. The real "settled law of the land" is the U.S. constitution which was derived from the Bible. Any subsequent law or decision not made "in the pursuance thereof" need not be written in stone as if it's illegal for anyone to cast an opposing vote.

Yet, when it comes down to what they DO, rather than what they SAY, almost nobody is really against abortion anymore.


Nobody (IOW, I'm still against abortion in word and DEED no matter who else says or does what.)


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